If you have a market pass, elatlas.mx is the application where you can showcase your company and express its interests and priorities for business meetings during the festival. Therefore, it is necessary for you to upload your company's profile so that other delegates can learn about its specialty, view the most recent demo you have, and get to know more about it. Most importantly, express your interests in participating in the festival.

Here we explain how to enter the basic information about your company, as well as the Market Preferences, which is the information used to pre-schedule meetings.

If you or someone from your company has already created a profile for your studio, you do not need to create it again. Review your case:

  1. If you created the company profile, simply log in to elatlas.mx with the same email and password associated with your market pass. In the top right menu, you will find the "My Company" option to edit and/or update it.

  2. If someone else created the company profile, when you log in to elatlas.mx for the first time, it will ask you to choose the studio you belong to. However, remember that the person who created the company's Atlas must validate you and assign you a market role (even if that person is not attending this time). To do this, they need to log in to elatlas.mx and select "My Company," then the "Members" option (at the top of the page). They will see who has requested to join the studio's page. Ask them to locate your name and change your status from Inactive to Active. The administrator role allows you to update the company page.

  3. If you have never uploaded your company profile to Atlas, when you log in to elatlas.mx with the same email and password associated with your market pass, you will find links in the top right menu to first complete your personal profile and then the profile for your studio ("My Company"). If the system asks you to choose a company you belong to first, you will find the option to create your own profile there.

Note: There is also the option to create your own portfolio. You can do this as an artist, but remember that what enables market options is the company profile. If you are attending the market as a freelance artist, create a company profile as such. You can see some examples in the Participants/Delegates section.

It is necessary to have created your company profile or been accepted into one to enable the preferences for your market meetings.

If more than one delegate from your studio is attending

If two or more delegates from the same company are attending the market, only one needs to create the company profile and upload the company's information ("market information"). Once the company's profile has been created by one of the attendees, the other can request to join the company, and the first attendee can validate them, as indicated at the beginning in point 2 of this article.

Your studio information and market preferences

To upload your market preferences, you first need to fill in specific data about your studio's capabilities by entering "Technical Sheet" (previously "Market Information") in the top menu. The data you enter there will only be visible to executives and other delegates (with a market pass). Both the profile and this specific information also form the basis for the people organizing the pre-scheduled meetings to better understand your company.

Once you have completed your company's profile and market information, the “Market Preferences” option will be enabled in the menu, where you can specify the type of meetings you are looking for and your objectives in the market, which will also assist us in creating the agendas.

Both forms are very simple and will take just a few minutes to complete.

If two or more delegates from the same company are attending, each one must fill out this second form (Market Preferences) to be assigned separate pre-scheduled meetings.

IMPORTANT: Once you submit your market preferences, you will not be able to change them.

Portfolio reviews and recruitment

The market pass allows you to post job vacancies on elatlas.mx and organize portfolio reviews among all the artists and attendees at the festival. If you are interested in reviewing portfolios or recruiting talent during the festival, simply choose the "Recruitment" option in the top right menu (this option is only available to those with an administrator or recruiter role).

Important: Your market pass also allows you to enable someone else to review portfolios or recruit during the festival. They just need to be registered in the system and provide you with the email they used. As an administrator, you can go to the "My Company/Members" section mentioned above and add them with the recruiter status even if their pass is not a market pass. At that point, they will see the "Recruitment" option in the top right menu.

To post portfolio reviews, you or the person responsible for reviews must first add the profiles you wish to review in the Recruitment section. Fill in the required fields for each and try to be clear about the type of profile you are looking for.

Once the "vacancy" or profile is registered in the system, return to the main Recruitment page in the menu and add the times of the day when you will be recruiting.

After posting the profiles, festival attendees will be able to request a review. You will have the opportunity to view their portfolios online, and if you are interested in interviewing them, you can schedule a meeting at one of the available times or easily decline the request.

You can find more detailed instructions on the portfolio review process here, or download a graphic manual with these instructions here.

If you have any questions, email atlaspixelatl@gmail.com.

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