Pixelatl began with the preparation of our first festival, originally scheduled for November 2011. Due to logistical reasons, it was held in February 2012 in Mexico City, but since we wanted the dates to be between September and November, we kept the second festival for October 2012, and was held in Torreón, Coahuila.

Originally intended as a traveling festival, we did not get the support to have a venue in 2013, and the festival did not take place that year. So we decided to choose a more permanent venue, and Pixelatl was established in Cuernavaca, Morelos, from 2014 to 2019, where the festival grew and consolidated as an event with international impact.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced the 2020 and 2021 editions to be done online, which meant a new experience for the entire community, and it made us consider a simultaneous online version every year, especially for people who couldn't attend in person at the festival at our next venue: Guadalajara, Jalisco.

Learn more about the previous editions:

We maintain the websites with all the information about guests and activities that were part of each edition of Pixelatl, (with the exception of the first, where part of the information was migrated to a "Previous Edition" page of the second festival). Below you will find some banners with direct links to these portals.

You can also see the festival archives (currently only in Spanish), where you will find the Pixelatl manifestos, promotional shorts, catalogs, art developed around each edition, reviews and galleries in a special section of our Blog hosted at


Pixelatl 2024 – El amor vence los miedos


Pixelatl 2023 – Atrévete a Creer


Pixelatl 2022 – Aquí te encuentras


Pixelatl 2021 – Nos Necesitamos


Pixelatl 2020 – Misma Tierra


Pixelatl 2019 – Raíz y Mañana


Pixelatl 2018 – Concordia


Pixelatl 2017 – Igual es Diferentes


Pixelatl 2016 – NarrarNos vuelve Nosotros


Pixelatl 2015 – Une los puntos


Pixelatl 2014 – Te invito a la Fiesta


Pixelatl 2012 – LagunaFest

Our First Festival

Pixelatl Festival 1

About Pixelatl
Festival Basics
Rules and Regulations
If This is Your First Time