Ciudad Creativa Digital Guadalajara
Foro Torre A
05/09/2024 18:00 - 19:00

Unlocking the Future of Digital Artistry

Emerging Tech, VFX, and Pixar's RenderMan

This presentation, by Pixar’s Dylan Sisson, is about exploring the future of digital art and visual effects, showcasing the latest release of RenderMan 26. You’ll learn how new advancements in emerging technology like virtual reality and VFX are changing the game for artists, making things possible that used to be out of reach. Dylan will demonstrate these advances using examples from Pixar’s Elemental and in depth R&D case studies featuring RenderMan XPU.

You'll learn how Dylan has combined traditional art techniques with modern software such as Substance Modeler, Substance Painter, Autodesk Maya, and Pixar's RenderMan to take his creative work to the next level. These tools offer new opportunities for ideation, model design, look development, and rendering high-quality imagery.

The presentation will also offer practical advice on how to utilize these technologies in your own projects. Plus, you'll get some insider tips on how to succeed in the RenderMan Challenge, a competition that tests your skills in digital artistry. This session is aimed at anyone interested in staying updated with the latest trends and tools in digital art and technology.
