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Tania Palma

Line Producer at the production company Capitan Araña | Spain

Tania Palma, from Madrid, is an animation producer, designer and 3D artist. She has a degree in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid with studies in design, animation, VFX and Production Management.

She combines the work of Production Director with her more artistic facet in the Art direction and Production of animation, advertising and mobile application development projects. She is passionate about design, new technologies and the digital world.

She currently works as Line producer for the Madrid production company Capitán Araña on the projects of Norbert, an animated feature film that is currently in production Like!, an animated feature film in development and as Production Coordinator on SuperKlaus.




Spanish animation, a booming sector
06/09/2023 17:50 - 18:45 Ciudad Creativa Digital Guadalajara