Ciudad Creativa Digital Guadalajara
La Feria - Área de Reclutamiento
05/09/2023 10:00 - 18:00
06/09/2023 10:00 - 18:00
07/09/2023 11:00 - 18:00
08/09/2023 11:00 - 18:00
09/09/2023 10:00 - 18:00

Portfolio review and recruitment

This year some international studios come to review portfolios, and some of the Latin American studios that participate in the festival market have also shown interest in reviewing the talent that comes to the festival.

The companies are beginning to publish the profiles that they want to interview, and more will be added in the following days... so you have time to participate!

How to participate in this activity

If you participated the previous year, or in any of the CCD Conecta events, you know the procedure. But here is a brief description so that you remember it, and especially for those who do not know it.

Any pass can participate, but you must first have it assigned to your account and then follow these steps:

  1. To participate in this activity you must have your profile and portfolio in It is very important that you have jobs that recruiters or mentors can review. If you have never uploaded a portfolio on, the tool has been greatly simplified. Here the basic steps:

    • Enter with the same email and password you use at
    • Complete your profile with the basic information, and customize the header image and your avatar. Choose a Tagline that describes your main qualities for the job you are looking for.
    • IMPORTANT: In order to apply for interviews, it is essential that you add jobs in the "Portfolio" section. Jobs should demonstrate your skills and abilities.
    • In each work that you upload, do not limit yourself to the main image: you can show stages of the process, or even a reel (you must previously host it on Vimeo or YouTube).
    • Do not forget to put the software you used in each job: there are companies looking for people who use specific software.
  2. With your profile created and with works published in the "Portfolio" section, enter where it says The Festival (in the upper right corner of the atlas web page). In this section, the different companies that have published profiles for review will be listed.

  3. Enter each profile to see the details, and in those that best suit your skills and abilities, choose "Request Review".

  4. The recruiter will go through the portfolio of applicants, and will schedule appointments to interview in person those he chooses.

  5. You will receive an email with the date and time of the face-to-face review, but you can also check the status of all your requests in the respective section of the drop-down menu. In all cases, the interviews will be held at Ciudad Creativa Digital. Don't be late for your appointment. And good luck!
