Cine Foro
09/09/2023 11:00 - 12:02

Growing up Mexican

Growing up Mexican is a multicultural full time job! Kids may be looked down upon because of their height, but we know that they are sometimes the smartest in the room and hardest critic. This program is a view on the films that over the past decades have fascinated our youth through their storytelling and have respected the children as the demanding audience they are.

The program includes the following short films:

  • El Agujero | Maribel Suárez | México, 2016 | 04:11
  • Gina | David Diomedes Heras | México, 2018 | 09:00
  • El pueblo de la música y la palma | Gabriela Badillo | México, 2020 | 01:35
  • El Trompetista | Raúl Morales Reyes | México, 2014 | 10:00
  • Las manchas del Ocelote | Gabriela Badillo | México, 2017 | 01:00
  • La Flor Azul | Carlos Enrique García de Aquino y Adriana Guerrero Montiel | México, 2019 | 07:22
  • Olas del Cielo | Gildardo Santoyo del Castillo | México, 2015 | 08:37
  • Volvamos a mirar el arcoiris | Gabriela Badillo | México, 2020 | 01:11
  • Elena y las Sombras | César Cepeda Sánchez | México, 2016 | 07:40
  • El Origen de las minas de sal de San Mateo | Gabriela Badillo | México, 2020 | 01:11
  • La historia de todos Blanca Aguerre | México, 2003 | 10:00