With so many overlapping crises, and in a war of beliefs. How many lies is too much? How much hate is tolerable?
More storms are coming and the days can be violent. But it is the world we fight for. The only planet we have.
It is not to classify those who are bad and try to destroy them. The problem is not who has more power, because selfishness is already a self-preservation instinct, which we all have.
In this utilitarian context, helping another is a small rebellion. All the resistance occurs in daily battles: something we gain in each correct decision.
It's not about being friends with friends. It is the distant one who claims me, with whom I must make a "we". Because the world belongs to everyone.
Because in the eyes of the other is my reflection, he is the place where I find myself. Only with the different ones I see further and better. They make me more complete.
The world is more than what I can see now. Only without prejudice we can see what we all already are, and what we can be.
Because overcoming fear is easy when we are more. That's why we must see ourselves in the eyes of the different. There you are. There you will find yourself.
About the Manifesto: At the beginning of each year we publish a manifesto to guide us as a community. It is also the basis for developing the creative concept and image of each year's festival.